On est en route pour le Népal! Avec ce blog, on va essayer de vous tenir au courant.
Los geht's, auf nach Nepal! Wir werden versuchen euch hiermit auf dem Laufenden zu halten!
(Wer eine Vorstellung von den Internetcafés dort hat, weiß, was auf uns zukommt... also nur die Geduld bewahren!)

vendredi 1 mai 2015

30.April - Nepal to Paris

Due to the devastating earthquake (7,9 Richter Scale) which lead the country of Nepal into an inconceivable national crisis, we decided the 29th April, after calling the French Embassy in KTM, to take the evacuation flight of the French Air Force back to Paris.
We left Nepal the 30 April at 5 o'clock in the morning and took a direct flight with a stop in New Delhi, India. After more than 11hours we arrived this midnight safely in Paris, Airport Charles de Gaulle.
Since we left in a big rush, we could not even say goodbye to our friends.

After these exhausting 7 days, we are going to take a rest and ask you, not to worry anymore about us. Thanks to all of our families and friends.

We'll keep in touch soon for the photos of our last month in Nepal and some more information about what happened to us the last days.

Namaste, Laurent and Consty

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